Decoding Mac Cleanup: Strategies for Removing Stubborn Deleted Apps

Have you ever experienced the frustration of deleting an app on your Mac, only to find it stubbornly lingering in the Launchpad? You’re not alone. This common issue arises when the app isn’t thoroughly removed from the cache, leaving remnants behind. In this guide, we’ll explore effective solutions to ensure that deleted apps don’t haunt your Mac’s Launchpad.

Understanding the Problem

The persistent appearance of a deleted app in the Launchpad is often linked to residual data in the cache and app-related folders. This phenomenon is particularly noticeable with third-party applications like Adobe, Lightroom, Photoshop, and certain antivirus programs, where the official uninstaller might be required for complete removal.

Clearing Cache on Mac

To tackle the issue head-on, let’s start by clearing the cache:

Click on the Finder Icon and navigate to the Go tab in the top-menu bar.

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Select the “Go to Folder…” option and type ~/Library/Caches, then press Enter.

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Locate the deleted app folder in the Cache Folder, right-click, and select “Move to Trash.”

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Empty the Trash Can to ensure the deleted app vanishes from the Launchpad and other areas.

Manually Resetting Launchpad

Sometimes, a manual reset of the Launchpad is necessary to resolve persistent issues:

  1. Navigate to the Go tab again and choose “Go to Folder…”.
  2. Type ~/Library in the Go to Folder window and press Enter.
  3. In the Library Folder, access the Application Support Folder, open the Dock Folder, and move .db Files to the Trash Bin.
  4. Right-click on the folder bearing the deleted app’s name and select “Move to Trash.”
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Resetting Launchpad Layout Using Terminal

For those comfortable with the terminal, here’s how to reset the Launchpad layout:

  1. Open Finder, go to Applications > Utilities, and launch
  2. Type defaults write ResetLaunchPad -bool true; killall Dock and press Enter.
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Check the Launchpad to see if the deleted app persists.

Using the App’s Uninstaller

If the app wasn’t from the App Store, using its uninstaller might be the key:

  1. Click on the Search icon at the top-right corner of your screen.
  2. In the Spotlight Search Window, type “Uninstall” followed by the app’s name.
  3. Select the Uninstaller from the search results and press Enter.
  4. Enter your Admin Password when prompted and follow the instructions to complete the uninstallation.

Dealing with Stubborn Third-Party Apps

It’s worth noting that certain third-party apps resist deletion from the Launchpad and can only be removed from the Applications folder.


By following these step-by-step solutions, you can bid farewell to the irksome problem of deleted apps haunting your Mac’s Launchpad. Keep your system clean and streamlined by ensuring that no traces of unwanted applications linger.

Why does a deleted app still appear in the Launchpad?

This is often due to residual data in the cache and app-related folders. Clearing these remnants should resolve the issue.

Do all apps have uninstallers on Mac?

No, only apps not installed from the App Store may have uninstallers. For others, manual removal or using the Applications folder is necessary.

Can I use the Terminal for all Launchpad issues?

While the Terminal can be powerful, it’s recommended for users comfortable with command-line actions. For others, graphical methods are provided.

Why do some third-party apps resist deletion from the Launchpad?

Certain apps have specific uninstallation procedures and may only be removable from the Applications folder.

Is it necessary to empty the Trash Can after moving the app folder?

Yes, emptying the Trash ensures complete removal of the app and its remnants from your Mac.

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